Sources and Contributors of Images

The following is a list of people and organizations that graciously
allowed me to bring you the fantastic images you'll find on Deep-Sky.Org.
Make sure to visit their websites for more deep-sky information and images.

Click on Links Below:

Al Kelly - Al Kelly's CCD Astrophotography Page

Andy Steere - Andy Steere's "THE DOUBLE CLUSTER" Photo Page

Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc. -
Digitized Sky Survey

Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc. -

AURA/STScI - The Hubble Space Telescope

Bill McLaughlin - Images From the Night Sky

Chris Cook - Astronomical Photography by Chris Cook

Chris Schur - Chris Schur's Deep Space Astrophotography

David Churchill - Images of the Night Sky

David Green - Writer at Large

David Malin - The Anglo-Australian Observatory

Ed Grafton - Ed Grafton's CCD Astronomy Page

European Southern Observatory

George Greaney - AstroImages.Com

John Gleason - CelestialImage.Com

Kunihiko Okano - Digital Astronomy Gallery

Michel Peyro - Michel Peyro's Telescope

Naoyuki Kurita - Stellar Scenes Home Page From Japan

Russ Dickman - Ancient Light

Sven Kohle & Till Credner

Tony & Daphne Hallas - AstroPhoto.Com

** This list does not imply endorsement by or of the named persons or organizations. **