Deep-Sky.Org was founded on April 8th, 2000 with the intention to
provide the world wide web community with a user friendly, graphically based, way of
exploring the deep-sky. It is a not-for-profit entity, solely dedicated to the science and
enjoyment of visual deep-sky astronomy.
Being that Deep-Sky.Org is not a profit making venture, it relies heavily
upon the generosity of government and private institutions, as well as corporate and
individual contributors from all over the globe.
That said, please take time to look over the list of
people and organizations who were generous enough to
share there fantastic images and helpful suggestions with me. Without their generosity this
website would have been impossible.
If you have material on a deep-sky subject and would like to share it
on Deep-Sky.Org, please drop me a line. I'd be more than happy to consider it.
Deep-Sky.Org is a resource for you. If you know a way to make it more useful, please let me know. It is my endeavor to make this the
best amateur deep-sky resource possible.
I hope you enjoy the website! Come back often, and make sure to visit the
What's New page to find out what's been added recently.
For more information check the Deep-Sky.Org FAQ page.